Embark on a journey to open the door of greatness at work with your Confidence

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What is self Confidence At workplace?

It means being confident and believing in yourself when doing a job or working with others.

How does this help ?

Having confidence is like having a superpower. It enables you to work more efficiently, communicate clearly, deal with difficulties and pursue career opportunities with a positive outlook. it can lead to personal and professional success.

What has this done for others?

The book has help people in the following ways :

- Believing in ones ability and skill allow to focus on your job and do it effectively.

- It has helped people to put their initiative to work by not being scared to share their ideas, take on new challenges or find solutions to problems at work.

- Being confident at work has helped people realize that they are less stressed and their anxiety reduces as well because they are not worried about making mistakes or what others think of them.

How soon can I achieve this at work?

The book is self paced such that one can start applying what they read to effect the desired change as you read on